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Reportage Egypt eyes recording EGP 4bn in sales of Montenapoleone project during 2023


Reportage Egypt eyes recording EGP 4bn in sales of Montenapoleone project during 202

The company began constructions of the project within few months of its launch, says Hanna Karam

Reportage Egypt, one of Emirati Reportage Properties working in Egypt’s real estate market, aims to achieve sales worth EGP 4bn in the current year thanks to launching new phases of Montenapoleone project with strong competitive advantages.

Hanna Karam, CEO of Reportage Egypy stated, “Since the first launch of the project, it has achieved strong successes, as well as, the company succeeded in achieving its sales goals. Reportage Egypt has recorded EGP 2.4bn in sales of the project in the past year.”

Hanna Karam said that the company is marketing the project according to a plan based on gradual selling and taking into account construction rate.

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Montenapoleone project is located on 111 acres within Mostakbal City and comprises 5,500 housing units. The project also offers fully finished innovative townhouses, in addition to apartments with distinguished spaces, from one room to four rooms, with the highest levels of luxury finishing.

Reportage has started constructions of the project last October, making it the fastest developer in executing construction works immediately after the project launch, he noted, added that the company began constructions within a few months of the project’s official launch.

The company’s CEO highlighted the importance of speeding up projects development to avoid a gap between selling prices and construction costs, which reflects a strong and solid plan for the project development.

 The Emirati Reportage Properties has succeeded in executing a large number of projects in various countries, and these projects have been well received by clients.

In Abu Dhabi, the company has developed various projects, including Plaza, Perla 1, Perla 2, Diva, The Gate, Al Raha Lofts 1 and Oasis, as well as Verdana and Alexis Tower in Dubai Rakan Tower and Rakan Lofts.

The company has developed the Silvana project in Turkey. In Egypt’s real estate market, the company is developing the Montenapoleone project, which is a distinctive landmark in east Cairo region, and is considered a nucleus for the expansion of new projects in the Egyptian real estate market, especially in light of the continuation of the comprehensive urban development that the country is executing.