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Huxley Consultancy intends to expand in the Egyptian market during the current year


Eng. Hossam El-Din Hussein, Chairman of Huxley Real Estate Consultancy, said that his company aims to achieve sales to third parties worth EGP 500mn during the current year, in addition to expanding in the field of project management.

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Hussein added that within the company’s strategic plan, Huxley is looking to break into the field of real estate development strongly, based on the company’s experience in real estate consulting, studying the market well, and standing on its strengths and weaknesses.

Pointing out that the company is studying the market for the new administrative capital and the available plots and opportunities for developing a commercial project during the coming period. The company is also studying expansion in western Cairo as a subsequent step for the new administrative capital.

Eng. Hossam El-Din Hussein, Chairman of Huxley Real Estate Consultancy, indicated that his company has adopted a deliberate strategy that focuses on expanding several activities during the current year, including the management of hotel facilities and tourist villages.

He added that the company provides integrated consulting services to the client from the beginning of contracting the unit until receiving it, and also provides design services, interior finishes, redesigning the units from the inside, and providing these services in installments.

Hossam El-Din Hussein stressed the strength and durability of the Egyptian real estate sector despite economic tensions and inflation, as it proved its ability to preserve the value of money and invest it well, especially since the real estate enjoys the confidence of customers as a safe haven.

Pointing out that we must think positively about the current situation of the exchange rate and the decline in the value of the pound and not surrender to the crisis, but rather exploit it for the benefit of the national economy, stressing that it may be a good opportunity to attract clients from abroad to buy units in Egypt to benefit from the currency difference.

The Chairman of Huxley Real Estate Consultancy praised the supportive role played by the government in encouraging real estate investment and the trend towards building new urban communities, which in turn encouraged businessmen to enter strongly in the field of real estate development.