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Arabisk Development is making 75% of its sales plan for New Cairo



Hani Joda: The company aims to complete its sales plan in Al-Andalus, North House and Bit Al-Watan during the second quarter of this year

Arabisk Real Estate Development Company achieved the target of its sales plan during the first quarter of this year with its projects in Al-Andalus, North House, and Bit Al-Watan in New Cairo by 75%.

That the company has launched many projects in Andalus, North House, and Bit Al-Watan in the New Cairo area during the past period, and the company has achieved the target of sales of its projects in the region by 75%, and its sales plan is being completed for the rest of its projects submitted for this year, said Hani Joda, head of the commercial sector of Arabisk Real Estate Development Company.

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He added that the size of the units on these projects ranges from 125 square meters to 165 square meters, and the construction percentage of the projects is estimated at 50% under land contract terms, as the projects have many features from Landscape and ground floor gardens.

He emphasized that real estate is one of the most popular sectors for customers, because real estate helps them save money, and is a safe investment compared to many other sectors.

He pointed out that real estate prices were witnessing an increase in prices during the current period, due to the high prices of construction materials of all kinds, mainly iron and cement, which reached a price rise of about 40%.

In conclusion, he explained that the business sector of Arabisk was working on a pricing plan for the price of housing units for its projects in order to achieve an optimal balance between the purchasing power of its customers during the current economic situation and its desire to achieve an adequate profit margin to ensure customer satisfaction through competitive prices, thus ensuring that the company would continue to complete all its other real estate projects to meet its customers’ delivery deadlines.