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valU Deploys Infobip’s Solutions to Provide Customer Support over


 valU, MENA’s leading Buy-Now, Pay-Later (BNPL) lifestyle-enabling fintech platform has announced the deployment of their WhatsApp Business Platform to elevate the customer experience, through a collaboration with Infobip, a full-stack global cloud communications platform. Infobip helps brands add real-time communications and digital interaction features to their own applications.

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Valuing the time and needs of their customers, valU aims to simplify the customer journey by providing seamless access to all information they might need. Customers can now get an immediate response to a variety of FAQs through valU’s various touchpoints. On top of that, clients of valU can now enjoy being promptly notified of any special deals, important reminders, and notifications over WhatsApp.

Commenting on the deal, Bassel El Tokhy, Group Chief Operating Officer of valU, said, “We are constantly striving to go a step further in recognizing and addressing our customers’ needs, and partnering with Infobip to enable our customers’ communication over WhatsApp helps us achieve our goal of getting closer to them.”

Amsal Kapetanović, Infobip Regional Manager added, “At Infobip, we are always proud of companies which recognize the importance of adopting innovative communication approaches to improve their customer journey. By being present on their channel of choice, valU proves that their customers come first, and we will ensure they have the support needed to achieve their goals.”

Ahmed Khalifa, Senior Customer Success Manager from Infobip stated, “We understand our client’s needs to improve the customer experience, and we empower them to introduce new services to meet their customers’ demand through channels they are familiar with, allowing them to provide prompt and timely responses that are consistent with valU’s mission.”