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شركة "Project Gate Developments" تعلن طرح مشروع "Vista Mall"  وانتهاء مبيعات المرحلة الأولى في مدينة... مجموعة مصروب كولا المالكة ( سيناكولا) تستهدف استثمارات بـ 50 مليون جنيه وزيادة في الانتاج 100% خبير تقيم عقاري : الاهتمام الحكومي بملف "الإيجار القديم" يساهم بقوة في حل الأزمة وتحقيق مصلحة جميع ا... بورت غالب تشارك في معرض القاهرة السادس لليخوت السياحية بي بي تعلن نجاح عمليات الحفر في بئر الاستكشاف "الكينج-2 «ايجي ماب» تشارك في المعرض السعودي الدولي للامتياز التجاري لتعزيز تصدير العلامات المصرية وزير الصناعة والنقل والسفير الفرنسي يتفقدان التوسعات الجديدة بمصنع شنايدر إلكتريك بمدينة بدر لتعزيز ... نادي بالم هيلز يتعاقد مع أكاديمية "موراتوغلو" الأولى للتنس في أوروبا لتوفير أحدث البرامج التدريبية ل... محمد الأعصر: الوحدات الفندقية أصبحت ضرورة لتحقيق خطة الدولة في استهداف 30 مليون سائح شركة « Slvr communities» تطلق « RVR» أول مشروعاتها بالسوق ضمن خطتها لاستثمار 30 مليار جنيه خلال 5 سن...

Mercon ends excavation works at “G7” in New Cairo 


Mercon Developments announced finishing the excavation works at “G7” project in Fifth Assembly, among the company’s plan to adhere to implementation and delivery timetable.


“G7 is a commercial, administrative, and medical project, located in a distinctive area in North 90 Street in New Cairo, and includes multiple activities units with variety in sizes, which meets the needs of targeted clients..Vice Chairman, Ahmed Embaby stated.



He added that the commercial units starting with areas from 47 meters, the medical and administrative units starting with areas from 66 meters, and completely finished, and it is planned to deliver the project to clients in 2024, pointing that New Cairo is one of the cities that witnessed a strong demand from clients on the commercial and administrative areas, especially with its proximity to the New Administrative Capital.


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He showed that Mercon contracted with EFS MISR company to manage and operate the project, which is a company subsidiary of EFS global specialized in the management of integrated facilities in Egypt, and has long experience and previous outstanding work in operating multi-uses projects, pointing that this step aims to maintain the project’s investment value.


Embaby assured that speeding up rates of implementation is the best choice for all real estate and private companies that have strong financial solvency, so as to cope with the high implementation costs resulting from the high price of raw materials, and due to the company’s financial solvency and technical expertise they seek to implement the project as soon as the required timetable with the highest quality standards.



He pointed that property remains a safe haven for investment, especially during the economic challenges periods, as it gives a high return on investment, and the facilities provided by the State to support mortgage finance is regarded as one of the mechanisms that promote clients high appeal to buy properties whether for housing or investment, praising all the governmental facilities and support provided to support the real estate market during challenge times.