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المهندس محمد علام :الانتهاء من 94 % من الهيكل الخرسانى لمشروع " The Rook " والتسليم نهاية 2025  أبوظبي للاستثمارات السياحية توقع اتفاقية مع أكور الفرنسية لادارة وتشغيل فندق الغردقة وتغيير العلامة ... اورنچ مصر وصيدليات العزبي تعلنان عن شراكة استراتيجية لتعزيز كفاءة الربط وإدارة الفروع باستخدام حلول... شركة «Urbnz Developments» تبدأ عملها بالسوق العقارية بإستراتيجية عمل مبتكرة ورؤية استثمارية طموح  إقبال كبير على جناحي شركة Orbit Developments بالمعارض العقارية بالمملكة العربية السعودية الشهر الجار... ميدار" و"إعمار مصر للتنمية" توقعان اتفاقية لتطوير أول مشروع سكني متكامل بمدينة "مدى" بشرق القاهرة با... مجوهرات الهدى تناشد الأجهزة الأمنية بتشديد الرقابة على نقل الذهب بين المحافظات إبريل المقبل.. "وادي النيل إشتيو لايف ساينس" تخطط لافتتاح مصنع مُرشحات الكُلى باستثمارات 150 مليون ج... مطور عقاري:حجم المنافسة في السوق العقاري كبير و علي كل مطور أن يحدد أفضل سياسة لشركته قبل التوسع نقابة المهندسين تشارك بمؤتمر “from gray to green” بدولة الإمارات العربية

New Speeco and Prime Hospitality sign an agreement with San Giovanni to manage the food and beverage in Prime Residence New Alamein


New Speeco, the owner of the hotel apartments, together with Prime Hospitality Management Group signed an agreement with San Giovanni Company for Clubs and Touristic Investments, to manage all food and beverage outlets in “Prime Residence New Alamein” project which is located in New Alamein City.


Moataz Amin, the Managing Director and CEO of Prime Hospitality Management, said that this contract is part of the group’s

development plan for the prominent services provided to thier guests. He added that this cooperation will achieve the concept of integrated accommodation services, since cooperation with a distinctive trademark like San Giovanni, with its is long experience and reputation, will be real added value.

Prime Residence New Alamein spectacular location with an amazing panoramic view on the new towers of New Alamein will be the best place to enjoy the San Giovanni famous menus.


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He added that “San Giovanni” will provide breakfast, lunch and dinner at Prime main restaurant and the swimming pool area, as well as at the Cafe next to the building entrance, overlooking the main coastal road. They will also provide catering services inside and outside Prime Residence.


Prime Residence New Alamein is a project owned by New Speeco, and managed by Prime Hospitality under the Trademark “Prime Residence”, it includes 62 hotel apartments, with areas starting from 60 meters; including studios, two bedroom and three bedroom apartments, including mobility units, equiped for people with special needs. All units are overlooking the indoor swimming pool and Stella Resort Alamein.


Moataz assured that all hospitality services are available, as the company is planning to provide the first integrated seviced apartments in the North Coast throughout the year. This policy is getting along with the country’s strategy to operate the Northern Coast and New Alamein City as a permanent residential area all year long and not only during the summer season.



He pointed that “Prime Residence” New Alamein project is the first serviced apartments project in New Alamein, and it is a well-known globally concept called “holiday homes”, and the opening of the project was last summer, and witnessed occupancy percentage exceeded 90%.



He pointed that Prime Hospitality Management Group is responsible for the apartments management for units where owners are willing to rent them, whether individuals or companies wanting to achieve an investment return on them, especially with the wide experience the group offers in integrated management for this residential hotel apartments projects.