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Target Misr Expo kicks off on 13 May


The third edition of Target Misr EXPO will be launched on 13 May at the Dusit Hotel in Fifth Settlement, New Cairo to complement the success of its second edition.

The expo kicks off with the participation of major real estate companies in Egyptian market and will continue for two days. Exhibitors would showcase a package of exclusive offers and exceptional discounts exceeding 50%.

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Alaa Ali Tawfik, Chairman of Target Misr Real Estate, the Expo organiser, said that the launch of the third edition comes after the great success achieved by the exhibition in its first and second editions. In addition to, support directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to upkeep and revitalise property export, and intensify promoting real estate investment in various governorates of Egypt.
Tawfik added that more than 30 real estate companies would participate in the exhibition in its new edition, offering more than 150 diverse and flagship projects in areas of New Administrative Capital, New Cairo, North Coast, Ain Sokhna and Galala City.
He pointed out that the exhibition offers exclusive and unprecedented offers on the exhibited projects and discounts starting from 10-20% on installments and from 40-58% on cash.
He further added that the exhibitors will showcase the most distinguished projects in Egyptian market in proportion to all needs and desires of citizens, whether residential, administrative, medical and commercial projects, besides serviced- apartments and coastal housing with different spaces. Residential unit’s spaces starting from 70 sqm up to 500 sqm in villas, and administrative units at prices of EGP 22,000 per square meter before discount, and commercial with spaces starting from 20 sqm and at a price starting from EGP45,000-50,000 per square meter before discount, and coastal units with spaces ranging from 50-60 sqm.
He stressed the availability of various and different installment plans without down payment or 5% down-payment and installments over 15 years.

“The companies participating in the exhibition were chosen carefully and meticulously, and according to several clear legal and real estate criteria, namely, seriousness, credibility, commitment with customers, strong business precedent and financial solvency, in order to ensure offering distinguished projects and companies that abide by all their commitments with customers, both on delivery times with required quality,” he explained.



The company’s chairman elaborated that the exhibition aims to record sales of up to EGP 1bn, and provides a package of free and unique services to the exhibition’s visitors, besides, special pavilion to provide legal and real estate consultancy. “Accordingly, and we are honored to have Dr. Ashraf Allam, the international real estate consultant throughout the days of the exhibition. Allam will provide advice and advisory services to clients for free, and provide free transportation for clients from 17 governorates across Egypt to the exhibition and tours on the ground to inspect projects on the ground in New Administrative Capital,” he disclosed.
Major property companies will participate in the exhibition, led by Saudi Egyptian Developers, Mountain View, Pyramids Developments, MBG, RUD, Nakheel Developments, Arqa Developments, Eden Development, Mardev Development, Khaled Sabry Holding and others.
The exhibition is an excellent opportunity to buy real estate and win exclusive offers and gifts that it offers to customers upon contracting, namely, gold pounds or gold bars and other valuable gifts, he said.
The current time is the most appropriate to buy property especially in light of repercussions of global crisis and expectations of high prices of all commodities and, accordingly, will directly affects property prices and is expected to spike by more than 20%, Tawfik concluded.