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Shatablee opens its headquarters in Egypt, aims to achieve EGP1bn turnover during 2023


Egypt-based Shatablee, a startup that brings to the market the 1st digital interior design & build platform tackling the diverse finishing problems in the Market, opened its headquarters in the industrial zone in New Cairo. The inauguration comes as part of Shatablee’s expansion plan, which is targeted to be implemented in 2022.

On this occasion, the CEO of Shatablee, Mostafa Amer, expressed his happiness in opening the company’s headquarters in the Egyptian market. He announced that the office is now ready to host customers, offering a faster & easier finishing journey.

Amer pointed out that the company’s headquarters` opening took place in record time due to the market’s need for the solutions provided by the company to the real estate sector, especially with the advent of the summer and vacation seasons.

He revealed that the company’s new premise is extremely spacious, including four floors, numerous offices, and an innovative exhibition of all the finishing materials chosen by customers from the best local and international brands.

Amer said that the new company’s headquarters includes a dedicated office for Contact Financial Holding, the leading non-banking financial services company in Egypt, so that the clients that wish to pay in installments can finish all the contractual agreements immediately and in one place.

He emphasized that Shatablee brings to the Market an unprecedented model that aims to bridge the large gap that the real estate market suffers from due to the delay in finishing works for home owners. It also solves the dilemma of reducing the time required and cost while raising the finishing quality standard through an interactive electronic platform characterized by flexibility, operating under the slogan “Design your home in Less Than 60 minutes … Move-in in 90 days.”

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The CEO of Shatablee announced that the company plans to achieve business volume (turnover) in the Egyptian real estate market that exceeds EGP1bn during the fiscal year 2022/2023.

Saeed Zaatar, CEO of Contact Financial Holding, attended the opening and praised the business model that Shatablee is implementing in the real estate market. He also praised Shatablee’s innovative vision offering a design and build journey for the new urban communities in the shortest time required and with the highest quality.

Zaatar is optimistic that his company’s cooperation with Shatablee will increase Contact Financial Holding’s sales by reaching a new segment of clients who seek to obtain financing for real estate finishes.

Shatablee platform ( www.shatablee.com) relies on an easy, and straightforward user interface, allowing customers to choose packages for designs, materials, finishes, and decorations for their residential units through simple steps.

The platform displays prices with a high level of accuracy through a digital interactive calculator companion that instantly updates the cost when making any change and shows the customer the total price and the monthly installment value immediately, without any other hidden costs. Throughout this process Shatablee aims to offer transparency in the design and build prices for each client that is in line with his budget and monthly income. The whole journey is completed in less than 60 minutes, after which the implementation work begins and finishes in a maximum period of 90 days only.

Amer concluded his speech by saying that Shatablee owns an integrated work team that includes top-notch designers, engineers, architects, and professional technicians in the finishing works, along with a technical support team and a wide base of the best raw materials suppliers. He stressed that this integrated work team guarantees the customer the best model that helps solve a major crisis suffered by the Egyptian real estate market and ensures that the customer gets what he needs smoothly.

Amer explained that the major crisis the Egyptian real estate suffers from is the delay in conducting finishing work for housing units and its resulting disputes, including changing prices and inadequate quality provided, especially in luxury housing units.