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Skyway Development honors its success partners during its annual Iftar


Sky way Real Estate Development company, celebrated its success partners, including company officials and employees, real estate marketing companies, the general consultant of “Bayadeja” project Eng. Mohamed Talaat, his teamwork and a group of senior artists, during the group Iftar held by the company.


Hosni Al Saidi, Skyway Chairman said that the Companionable of success partners from company officials, project engineering consultants and real estate marketing companies, are key factors for the company’s success in its distinguished project in the New Administrative Capital “Bayadeja”.


He pointed that the company, during the Iftar ceremony, briefed the attendees on the executive situation of “Bayadeja” project, which the company has begun excavation work with, in preparation for the start of the actual implementation of the project’s construction during the second quarter of this year, as the company has a plan to speed up the project’s implementation rates.


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He explained that “Bayadeja” project is located in the towers area in Down Town in the New Administrative Capital, with investments of 700 million pounds, as the project includes commercial, medical and administrative activities with international standards, as it includes the first suspended “FOOD COURT” area in the Administrative Capital, assuring that the project is characterized by the location, design and project activities.


He added that real estate marketing companies are distinguished success partners who played a vital role in marketing the project and delivering it to the target clients, according to a well-studied plan that takes into account client’s requirements and real estate market changes as well as price changes, praising the importance of flexible marketing policies that have been developed in dealing with market changes.


He assured that the New Administrative Capital is a national project and a smart and sustainable city, with high rates of implementation by the state as well as the private sector, due to the rapid development of the project, and with the government moving to the various ministerial headquarters in the Administrative Capital, this will increase the development rates of the project.