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مصر الخير" والبنك المصري لتنمية الصادرات ينظمان قافلة طبية مشتركة لذوي الإعاقة بمحافظة قنا بنك مصر وشركة تنميه يوقعان اتفاقية تسهيل ائتماني بقيمة 500 مليون جنيه لتمويل الشركات الصغيرة ومتناهي... «سمارت ويندو» تهنئ م. حسن مصطفى لتعيينه نائباً لرئيس شركة «المقاولون العرب» الوزير أكد حرصه على تطبيق "روح القانون".. ووعد بإنهاء كافة معوقات التطوير العقاري في المدن الجديدة شركة TG Developments تطلق مشروعها الجديد Palm Island باستثمارات تصل لحوالي 3 مليارات جنية الـسـويـدي إلـيـكـتـريـك تدعم قطاع الطاقة في تنزانيا بإضافة 705 ميجاوات إلى الشبكة القومية للكهرباء وي" تطلق حملتها الإعلانية الجديدة "أجمد من أي حد" وتمنح عملائها عروضاً مميزة لجميع الفئات سموزي باراديس” يواصل انتشاره في مصر ويخطط لافتتاح 50 فرعًا جديدًا بحلول 2025 سكور جراس توقع عقد شراكة مع المتحدة للخدمات الإعلامية لمهرجان العلمين عصر جديد من الذكاء الاصطناعي في مصر OPPO تُطلق Reno12 F 5G

Royal Developments increases construction rates in 10 projects in AL Narges for delivery ahead of schedule  


Royal Developments announced increasing the rates of implementation of 10 separate projects in Al Narges in New Cairo, to be implemented ahead of schedule.


Royal One Developments Head of Commercial Sector Saher Magdy, said that the company is working with its full construction capacity in these projects despite the continuous rise in the prices of building materials as a result of increasing prices globally, in addition to the rise in the price of dollar, pointing that continuing in implementation is a step that does not compromise the company, no matter how huge the challenges are. 


He added that the company owns a portfolio of multiple separate projects in New Cairo and works constantly for implementation and delivery according to deadlines with clients and before them as well, in order to maintain its credibility towards its clients, assuring that the company has a portfolio of projects with strong competitive advantages in East Cairo region.

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He added that New Cairo city enjoys an integration of services and completion of development in addition to the high occupancy rate and its proximity to the New Administrative Capital, which makes it a destination for clients looking for an investment with a quick return or housing in a city with integrated services and facilities, pointing that Royal Developments offers projects suits clients’ needs.


He pointed that real estate remains a safe haven for investment, especially during crises and challenges, as it constantly maintains its value, as well as being a real need for any client, all of which support the continued demand for real estate, regardless of the size of challenges, and real estate companies continue to provide flexible payment systems and prices that fit client needs.


 He pointed that the company has an expansion marketing plan during 2022 that commensurate with the changes that the local market has witnessed, and to commensurate with the targeted clients, and commensurate with the transition of life to the New Administrative Capital after the transfer of government headquarters to it.