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المهندس وليد مرسي : مكتب DCI Plus Architects يقدم حلول مبتكرة لمواجهة تحديات التطوير العقاري في مصر ... "صيدليات العزبي تحقق إنجازًا تاريخيًا في مجال الرعاية الصحية بالوصول الي 400 فرع في جميع أنحاء مصر" جسور للتطوير العقاري" تتعاقد مع المصرية للاتصالات "وي" لتوفير خدمات الاتصالات الذكية داخل مشروعاتها كيونت تطلق منتجات "Amezcua Bio Light 3" و"Bio Disc 3" لتعزيز الصحة والعافية   المطورون العرب القابضة تسليم 7011 وحدة خلال أربع سنوات بإجمالي استثمارات 5.3 مليار جنيه إنطلاق "جرين لايت بودكاست" لاستعراض التجارب الناجحة في مجال الاستدامة والتنمية ابو عمر للتطوير العقاري تغير الهوية البصرية الي AOD ..وتسلم مشروعاتها بالقاهرة الجديدة أوائل 2025 محمد ضيف الله ( الباهى ) يسعى بالوصول للفن النوبي للساحة العالمية ليظل نابضًا بالحياة عبر أجيال متعا... البنك الزراعي المصري والسويدي الوطنية للصناعات والمشروعات الهندسية يوقعان بروتوكول تعاون لتمويل أجهز... تحالف شركتي «IMS للتطوير» و«وينفسيتور للاستثمار» يتعاقد مع النصر للإسكان والتعمير لإطلاق مشروع Capel...

Businesswoman Mona Nour directs her investments to the Egyptian real estate market


Businesswoman Mona Nour announced directing her investments from the Canadian market to the Egyptian real estate market, based on the diversity of investment opportunities available in the Egyptian market and the high return on investment in real estate in Egypt.

Nour said that the comprehensive urban development implemented by Egypt offers many opportunities for all investors, in addition to the facilities provided by the state to attract foreign investors, which are factors that support her desire to invest in the Egyptian real estate market, which has many attractive factors.

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She pointed that the inauguration of a generation of new cities and introducing new real estate products are factors that attract foreign investment to Egypt, and enable the investor to innovate in the products offered in the Egyptian market that keep pace with global developments in the field of real estate development, pointing that her investment in the Canadian market and its transition to the Egyptian one adds to her experience and her investment plans in the Egyptian market.

She assured that Egypt is at the forefront of countries attracting investments in the region, and there is a strong and real demand as a result of the increasing population, which makes it a fertile environment for all kinds of investments for various residential segments, and the facilities provided by the state encourage many investors to direct their investments to Egypt.

She explained that the market studies of global real estate consultancy offices confirm the attractiveness of the Egyptian real estate market and the presence of strong and real demand and a high return on investment in multiple sectors, whether residential, commercial or administrative, as East Cairo is one of the promising and attractive areas for investments after the government employees moved to the New Administrative Capital.