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المهندس وليد مرسي : مكتب DCI Plus Architects يقدم حلول مبتكرة لمواجهة تحديات التطوير العقاري في مصر ... "صيدليات العزبي تحقق إنجازًا تاريخيًا في مجال الرعاية الصحية بالوصول الي 400 فرع في جميع أنحاء مصر" جسور للتطوير العقاري" تتعاقد مع المصرية للاتصالات "وي" لتوفير خدمات الاتصالات الذكية داخل مشروعاتها كيونت تطلق منتجات "Amezcua Bio Light 3" و"Bio Disc 3" لتعزيز الصحة والعافية   المطورون العرب القابضة تسليم 7011 وحدة خلال أربع سنوات بإجمالي استثمارات 5.3 مليار جنيه إنطلاق "جرين لايت بودكاست" لاستعراض التجارب الناجحة في مجال الاستدامة والتنمية ابو عمر للتطوير العقاري تغير الهوية البصرية الي AOD ..وتسلم مشروعاتها بالقاهرة الجديدة أوائل 2025 محمد ضيف الله ( الباهى ) يسعى بالوصول للفن النوبي للساحة العالمية ليظل نابضًا بالحياة عبر أجيال متعا... البنك الزراعي المصري والسويدي الوطنية للصناعات والمشروعات الهندسية يوقعان بروتوكول تعاون لتمويل أجهز... تحالف شركتي «IMS للتطوير» و«وينفسيتور للاستثمار» يتعاقد مع النصر للإسكان والتعمير لإطلاق مشروع Capel...

Asma Al-Turki: The rise in the price of the dollar revives sales of foreigners and Egyptians abroad


Asma Al-Turki, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of Sales at the company “khl” for real estate development, confirmed that the rise in the price of the dollar revives the sales of Egyptians working abroad and foreigners who wish to invest in Egypt to take advantage of the price difference between the pound and the dollar and achieve imaginary profits, especially since the real estate is a safe haven for saving and achieves strong investment

returns. at the long ter

Al-Turki said in press statements that the property gets sick and does not die and may be subject to a state of stagnation at times, but selling it at the right time achieves gains that exceed the returns on investment in bank certificates, especially since the value of money is constantly declining as a result of high inflation rates

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Al-Turki indicated that the high demand for buying real estate during the Corona crisis proves the strength of the real estate market in times of crises in saving saving

Al-Turki demanded that customers diversify their investments during the coming period in different savings vessels such as buying real estate, certificates and gold, noting that with the increasing demand for the investment certificate with an interest rate of 18%, the investor can buy an investment certificate and a real estate unit at the same time by paying the down payment of the real estate unit and paying the installments from the monthly interest of the certificate Thus, profits from both sides are achieved in saving saving

Al-Turki pointed to the negative repercussions of the high dollar price on the real estate market and the movement of buying and selling, represented in the wrong pricing of the meter price by developers and burning prices to get out of the liquidity crisis and attract buyers, which negatively affects the construction operations, so companies cannot adhere to the schedule in implementation as well as the failure to produce a real estate product A high degree of quality according to its contract with customer

Al-Turki stressed that the natural increase in prices as a result of the rise in raw materials prices and construction costs will range between 10% and 15% during the coming period, explaining that serious developers will not be affected by this increase due to their conducting economic feasibility studies on correct foundations that take into account the changes that occur in the market and their marketing plans are achieved. This percentage is throughout the project implementation period and during the launch of the new stages for sale, while small companies that do not have the technical, financial capabilities and expertise will stumble during the coming periodغsss.mperiod