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مصر الخير" والبنك المصري لتنمية الصادرات ينظمان قافلة طبية مشتركة لذوي الإعاقة بمحافظة قنا بنك مصر وشركة تنميه يوقعان اتفاقية تسهيل ائتماني بقيمة 500 مليون جنيه لتمويل الشركات الصغيرة ومتناهي... «سمارت ويندو» تهنئ م. حسن مصطفى لتعيينه نائباً لرئيس شركة «المقاولون العرب» الوزير أكد حرصه على تطبيق "روح القانون".. ووعد بإنهاء كافة معوقات التطوير العقاري في المدن الجديدة شركة TG Developments تطلق مشروعها الجديد Palm Island باستثمارات تصل لحوالي 3 مليارات جنية الـسـويـدي إلـيـكـتـريـك تدعم قطاع الطاقة في تنزانيا بإضافة 705 ميجاوات إلى الشبكة القومية للكهرباء وي" تطلق حملتها الإعلانية الجديدة "أجمد من أي حد" وتمنح عملائها عروضاً مميزة لجميع الفئات سموزي باراديس” يواصل انتشاره في مصر ويخطط لافتتاح 50 فرعًا جديدًا بحلول 2025 سكور جراس توقع عقد شراكة مع المتحدة للخدمات الإعلامية لمهرجان العلمين عصر جديد من الذكاء الاصطناعي في مصر OPPO تُطلق Reno12 F 5G

Tawasal Superapp: An app like no other  


Tawasal Superapp, a secure multi-purpose messenger and digital lifestyle app, has launched its first public release lately in Abu Dhabi.


This application consists of many mini applications, among them a communication platform with free video & audio calls and instant messages with unsurpassed quality & message encryption. This mini application allows its users to send instant messages with the highest speed of file transfer and a wide variety of features; Make free audio and video calls; Create groups in the app support up to 1000 users; Share the user profile as a QR code, if you have set up your username; Translate messages from any language into your native language; Send and share fancy animated stickers with your friends; Set a password for your application; Run a platform for creating chatbots.


There is also the News mini app, in which you can subscribe to popular media channels like CNN, BBC etc, share latest news with your friends, and browse all the popular newspapers from the Gulf will be added soon.


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The Sports mini app allows you to subscribe to your favorite team, player or League in a variety of sports including cricket, monitor the statistics, and watch the text in-app broadcast of most exciting games.


Many other characteristics will be added soon to the application, such as the weather widget and the stock prices on the discovery screen, in addition to sections for community and blogs in all mini apps.


There will be also the financial services mini app, which offers payments for goods and services, remittance transfers to your relatives abroad, cryptocurrency and shares of companies purchasing & management; and a secure cloud storage for your files.

On the other hand, the Booking mini app includes features to book a table, discover menu online, or pay a tip to your waiter. There will be also a mini app for beauty/spa salons and barbershops, offering you a service to book your appointment, and much more.