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Skyway Development” begins excavation in “Bayadeja” project among preparations for the actual implementation of constructions


kyway” Real Estate Development Company, announced starting excavation and leveling works in “Bayadega” project in the New Administrative Capital, in preparation for starting the actual implementation of construction in the project during the second quarter of this year.


Hosny Al Saidi, Skyway Chairman, said that the company has a plan to speed up the rates of implementation of the project, in order to meet the specified time schedule for implementation and delivery, as speeding the implementation is the best solution to face the high cost of building materials and their impact on the high cost of implementation.


He added that “Bayadeja” project is located in the towers area of the ​Downtown in the New Administrative Capital with investments of 700 million pounds, as the project includes administrative, commercial and medical, activities with international standards, as it includes the first suspended “FOOD COURT” area in the Administrative Capital.


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He pointed that the office of the engineering consultant, Mohamed Talaat, “MTA ARCHITECTS” had been previously contracted with for designs and engineering consultancy as a general engineering consultant for the project, as part of the company’s contracting plan with major companies specialized in its project and to provide a distinguished real estate product with international specifications and quality for its clients.


He assured that the New Administrative Capital is witnessing a new start since the beginning of transferring government headquarters to it, which encourages companies to speed up the rates of implementation in their projects to benefit from the operation of the capital, as well as to speed achieving a return on investment for commercial and administrative projects, whether for investors or clients.


He pointed that the company has a connected expansion plan, and is implementing it during the current period following the launch of its first project in the New Administrative Capital, as it also plans to attract Gulf investments to implement new projects under the partnership system in the coming period.