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مصر الخير" والبنك المصري لتنمية الصادرات ينظمان قافلة طبية مشتركة لذوي الإعاقة بمحافظة قنا بنك مصر وشركة تنميه يوقعان اتفاقية تسهيل ائتماني بقيمة 500 مليون جنيه لتمويل الشركات الصغيرة ومتناهي... «سمارت ويندو» تهنئ م. حسن مصطفى لتعيينه نائباً لرئيس شركة «المقاولون العرب» الوزير أكد حرصه على تطبيق "روح القانون".. ووعد بإنهاء كافة معوقات التطوير العقاري في المدن الجديدة شركة TG Developments تطلق مشروعها الجديد Palm Island باستثمارات تصل لحوالي 3 مليارات جنية الـسـويـدي إلـيـكـتـريـك تدعم قطاع الطاقة في تنزانيا بإضافة 705 ميجاوات إلى الشبكة القومية للكهرباء وي" تطلق حملتها الإعلانية الجديدة "أجمد من أي حد" وتمنح عملائها عروضاً مميزة لجميع الفئات سموزي باراديس” يواصل انتشاره في مصر ويخطط لافتتاح 50 فرعًا جديدًا بحلول 2025 سكور جراس توقع عقد شراكة مع المتحدة للخدمات الإعلامية لمهرجان العلمين عصر جديد من الذكاء الاصطناعي في مصر OPPO تُطلق Reno12 F 5G

Chief Commercial Officer: Capital Link’s approach to residential projects supports its restructuring plan


As part of its plan to implement housing projects during the coming period, Capital Link Development, announced a comprehensive plan to restructure its commercial sector.

Ali Gaber, Capital Link Chief Commercial Officer, said that the company has a plan to implement housing projects during the coming period, increase its clients base and achieve diversification in its investment portfolio, which was one of the elements that supported the company’s plan to restructure the commercial sector in preparation for the vital coming stage.

He added that the company has a carefully studied plan with all details to support the company’s commercial sector work mechanism and contribute in achieving the company’s strategic goals during the coming period, especially with the ambitious plan set by the company and its desire to expand the implementation of housing projects in the coming period.

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He pointed that the company plans to serve more clients interested in purchasing housing units, by offering distinctive units at competitive prices and exclusive offers that are difficult to be repeated in the real estate market, as part of the company’s plan to increase its clients base during the coming period and expand projects inside and outside the New Administrative Capital.

He explained that the company’s marketing and sales team includes an elite of sales and marketing officials with experience, efficiency, professionalism and ability to serve the client with distinction, as the company has formed a distinguished and qualified team to deal with the requirements of the next stage, the development of the company’s work, and the implementation of housing projects.

He assured that the company has a different plan, a strong and distinctive business strategy for the coming period, and the company plans to surprise its clients by launching its next residential project, which will be a distinctive and different project in all its details, the clients presentation and its marketing systems.

He added that the company owns a strong projects portfolio in the New Administrative Capital, which includes 4 projects in Downtown area, which are “Verona”, “Solano”, “Dorado” and “Laval” projects, explaining that they are commercial and medical administrative projects occupying distinct locations in the Downtown.