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توقيع خطاب نوايا بين الهيئة العامة للرعاية الصحية و شركة فايزر  إي اف چي هيرميس تقدم خدماتها الاستشارية لصفقة استحواذ "معارف للتعليم" على "شركة ابن خلدون التعليمية"... مجموعة أغذية تعزز أهداف النمو الاستراتيجي والاستدامة في معرض أبوظبي الدولي للأغذية 2024 بنك نكست يعلن عن توقيع اتفاقية شراكة استراتيجية مع مايندجيت لإطلاق منصة رقمية متطورة لخدمات الشركات "نايل استيت": منصة عقارية ذكية تُحدث ثورة في أساليب البحث والاختيار العقاري المحلل السياسي يواكيم أولسين ينتقد التشريعات الجديدة في الدنمارك: تعرقل الإقلاع عن التدخين المعماري هشام هلال: التصميم المعماري المستدام من أهم مفاتيح تقليل أثر قطاع المباني على البيئة هواوي تطلق متجرها الإلكتروني رسميًا في مصر بنك الطعام المصري يعلن نتائج خط أساس مشروع "فيتامين د" لتحسين صحة كبار السن وحمايتهم من مرض هشاشة ال... عضو باتحاد الغرف السياحية يضع مقترحات للاستثمار الأمثل لاستراتيجية النهوض بالقطاع السياحي 

Etqan”& “Dubai” celebrates success of “Muhannad Al-Wadiya” workshop


Etqan” , financial and marketing consultancy, in cooperation with “Dubai” real estate development Company, celebrated the success of the expanded workshop organized by the company in the presence of the entrepreneur and global real estate expert Muhannad AlWadiya, with a wide participation of developers and real estate .


Muhannad Al Wadeya talked about the experience of Dubai’s success, real estate investment opportunities in Egypt, and his expectations for the Egyptian market in the coming period, appreciating cooperation between “Etqan” abd “Dubai”, aiming to achieve a strong and real addition to the Egyptian market, assuring that Egypt enjoys promising investment opportunities, as it is a suitable environment to attract more investments, especially in the real estate sector.


He pointed the size of development and construction boom that the Administrative Capital witnessed, after visiting the site of the (OBSIDIER); Dubai’s second project in the Administrative Capital, pointing that it will be one of the most distinguished projects in the Capital after reviewing its designs and details of the project, adding that (OBSIDIER) is a commercial, administrative, medical, and hotel project, located in the most distinguished areas of the Administrative Capital in (Downtown Tourist Towers), with a total area of ​​13.5 thousand square meters.



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For his part, Bassem El-Sherbiny, Etqan CEO, praised the success of the workshop in the presence of Muhannad Al Wadeya and the positive and strong feedback from developers and real estate marketers about the most prominent real estate event in the Egyptian market during 2022.


El Sherbiny added that the Administrative Capital changed the real estate map in Egypt and the Middle East, especially after the percentages of implementation achieved on the ground in the Administrative Capital projects with the participation of the private sector and the government, pointing that the administrative capital currently dominates about 50% of the size of the Egyptian real estate market.


He assured that the company provided a package of distinguished services to “Dubai” company, which included providing financial advice to the company, including feasibility studies, setting up financial and pricing systems, in addition to marketing consulting by providing the marketing strategy, the marketing budget, the development of the exhibition plan, marketing activities, and advertising and media plan for the company and the project.