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الجود الخيرية تطلق حملة "دفا وستر" بتوزيع 10 آلاف بطانية و2000 كرتونه غذائية بالقاهرة الكبري والوجه ... المصرية السويسرية تشارك في معرض فوود أفريكا 2024.. وتخطط للتوسع بقوة في أفريقيا "الغذاء قبل الدواء".. أخصائي التغذية العلاجية نجلاء منسي تنصح مرضى الأمراض المزمنة باتباع نظام غذائي... مجموعة «ألاميدا للرعاية الصحية» توقع مذكرة تفاهم مع وزارة الصحة بجمهورية كاراكالباكستان فوري تعلن عن تجاوز إجمالي معاملات خدمة (عالنوتة) لتمويل السحب على المكشوف للتجار حاجز 2 مليار جنيه وفد من الأمم المتحدة في مصر يزور مستشفى "حروق أهل مصر" إطلاق Made & Make Architects في السوق المصرية: إحداث ثورة في تصميم العقارات" «فيكسد مصر» توقع شراكة استراتيجية مع «الهيئة القومية لسلامة الغذاء» لتطوير وميكنة منظومة مراقبة إنتا... ثروة للتأمين وثروة حياة تحققان صافي أرباح يتجاوز 152 مليون جنيه لعام 2024 وادي النيل اشتيو لايف ساينس" تدرس تأهيل و تشغيل عدد من مصانع الأدوية بمصر

“Egypt Buliders Developments” launches the second phase of “xs79” project in New Cairo


Egypt Buliders Developments company, announced launching the second phase of “xs79” project in New Cairo, after the company’s success in marketing the first phase in record time due to the project’s competitive advantages.

Ahmed El Ashry, head of the company’s commercial sector, said that “xs79” project is located on an area of ​​8000 square meters, and it is a commercial service project located in the Fifth Settlement Service Center and overlooks 4 axes, and is considered the first of its type in new cities, as the project is located on Axis 79 which is regarded as
the most important axis in New Cairo.

He added that the project overlooks 4 main streets, the most important of which is Axis 79, and is located only 5 minutes from the Southern 90th Street, away 5 minutes from Katameya Heights, and 7 minutes from the Ring Road, and the project includes a gym equipped with the latest sports equipment, and 14 smart car elevators, and 8 elevators for mall guests and 2 elevators for goods service, in addition to a garage that can accommodate 1,700 cars.

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He assured that the company has a distinguished business precedent since its inception in the market in 2003, as it owns an ambitious vision since it’s start to develop the portfolio of lands it owned during the next two years with a total of 100,000 square meters, indicating that the company aims to diversify its investment portfolio and gradually expand the real estate market.

He added that acknowledging the needs of the targeted client and providing the appropriate product to him is one of the most important factors supporting the company’s marketing plan, as it carried out the necessary market studies before launching the project, which contributed in marketing the first phase of the project in record time, and also contributes to market the second phase as well according to a specific plan.

El Ashry explained that he is responsible for managing the company’s sales and marketing plan to achieve its sales targets during the coming period, as well as developing a marketing strategy that enhances the company’s investment plan, and supports the company’s current investment portfolio to offer real estate units commensurate with the needs of the real estate market and target clients.