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Ammar Khalil: “Arabisk Development” announces a variety of real estate offers to counter inflation within days


Ammar Khalil: “Arabisk Development” announces a variety of real estate offers to counter inflation within days

Arabisk Real Estate Development aims to offer a variety of real estate offers to counter the wave of inflation in the real estate sector during the current period.

The real estate sector witnessed during the month of March a wave of inflation in prices, and the resulting increase in the implementation of the price of a meter reached 36%, which means that real estate developers are in a critical situation that forces them to raise the prices of housing units that will be sold later in line with the increase in the prices of construction materials of all kinds, said Ammar Khalil, CEO of Arabisk Real Estate Development.

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He stressed that during the past days, the real estate sector has already witnessed an increase in the sale price per meter, which may lead to the reluctance of many customers to purchase for the coming period in light of these current economic conditions, and this increase is difficult to avoid by fixing prices on the old price of what will be a huge loss for developers, not only in non-profits, but it will reach 20% of the housing unit cost.

He added that this situation, which in its economic crisis surpassed the previous crises such as the 2008 crisis, which started first in the United States of America and then spread to all countries of the world, and also the Corona crisis and followed it. This has led us at Arabisk to hold lengthy meetings during the past weeks in which we are working to study the current situation in order to draw up plans to deal with it and get through it without any significant losses, whether financial or the unwillingness of our clients who invest in the real estate sector to buy.

As a result of all this, Arabisk was developing a series of offers, to be announced in the coming days, aimed at making it easier for customers to buy housing units and invest in real estate.

We also hope that these offers will boost sales in the real estate market in order to avoid the recession that many real-estate experts are predicting.