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“Agro sun for agricultural industry” expands in America with frozen vegetables and fruits

” Agro sun for agricultural industry ” exports 10,000 tons of frozen vegetables, fruits

Agro Sun for Agricultural Industry Company has signed a contract to export its frozen vegetables and fruits to the United States for the first time. This comes after the company’s success in exporting fresh agricultural products to Europe for 30 years and exporting frozen vegetables and fruits since 2019.

Mohammed Shoaib, the CEO of Agro Sun for Agricultural Industry Company, stated that the company annually exports around 10,000 tons of frozen vegetables and fruits from its factory, which established 3 years ago.

Shoaib said that “Agro Sun” has started exporting fresh vegetables and fruits since 1993, and recently expanded into agricultural manufacturing due to increased consumption of frozen vegetables and fruits in Europe.

He revealed that the establishment of “Agro Sun” aimed to capitalize on the growing global demand for frozen vegetables and fruits, and meet the preferences of its customers in Europe.

He revealed that the company exports a variety of products, with artichokes and green beans topping the list. They export about 5,000 tons of artichokes annually, besides about 1,500 tons of frozen strawberries, green bean, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Shoaib pointed out that “Agro Sun” has ambitious plan to expand in the production and exporting of frozen strawberries in larger quantities in the coming years, which enjoys high competitiveness in the global market, as Egypt holds the top global position in exporting frozen strawberries.

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He said that “Agro Sun” exports all its products outside Egypt, with the majority going to the European Union countries, including England, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

He further revealed that “Agro Sun” exports about 3,000 tons of grapes annually, besides around 6,000 tons of fresh artichokes, 500 tons of fresh strawberries, and its distinctive crop kabocha. In addition to green beans, which they have been exporting for 30 years, according to Shoaib.

Shoaib highlighted the significant increase in export rates in recent years, especially in table grapes.

He explained that “Agro Sun”, with its two companies for agricultural crop export and agricultural manufacturing, plans to expand into new markets in the near future, notably in the American market, as well as Africa.

He said that the company has successfully exported its products, including fresh vegetables and fruits, to some African countries during the past year.

He mentioned that “Agro Sun” is constantly expanding in its production capacity, in conjunction with its expansion in exporting at both agricultural crops and agricultural manufacturing products.

The group owns several farms along the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, enabling it to export more than 25% of its products through its own farms. The remaining quantities are exported through contract farming, ensuring a high-quality product that meets global quality standards.

“Agro Sun” also holds the required quality certifications to facilitate the export process in major global markets.