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Jumia Egypt Partners with Premium Card to support e-commerce growth in Egypt

Jumia Egypt Partners with Premium Card to support e-commerce growth in Egypt

 The collaboration to offer consumers diverse payment solutions and flexible installment plans of up to 30 Months through JumiaPay:

Jumia, a leading e-commerce platform in Egypt, has announced a strategic partnership with Premium International for Financial Services “Premium Card”, a company specializing in diverse payment solutions to enhance the online shopping experience and provide exceptional benefits to consumers.

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This partnership allows Premium Card holders to enjoy exclusive offers and significant discounts on a wide range of products available on Jumia. Additionally, the collaboration introduces flexible installment plans starting from 6 months, 20 months, and 30 months with the lowest interest rate, providing customers with greater flexibility in choosing their preferred payment method for purchases across all categories. Customers can also take advantage of exclusive deals offered by Jumia in collaboration with major local and international brands.

“We are extremely excited to announce this strategic partnership with Premium Card, which represents a significant opportunity to expand our service offerings. We will be able to provide competitive advantages such as exclusive discounts and flexible installment packages, making the online shopping experience easier and more convenient. This collaboration aligns with our strategy of offering innovative solutions, as we aim to make online shopping not only safe but also enjoyable and seamless. We believe that this cooperation will enhance our position in the market and make online shopping an unforgettable experience for everyone,” said Abdellatif Olama, CEO of Jumia Egypt

Osama Farid, Managing Director of Premium Card, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership and said:

“We are very pleased to announce this collaboration with Jumia, through which a special service will be provided for Premium Card holders. This collaboration aligns with the company’s strategy to encourage customers to expand their online shopping easily and securely by providing a variety of products in different fields with flexible installment options. This strategic partnership with Jumia will be the beginning of creating new projects that primarily serve the user in a fast and easy manner, meeting their needs in electronic shopping.”